Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Resist the unresistable

I have been browsing through blogshop and BAM!
I found this!
Look at those sexy studs!
That reminds me of my old self.. lots of studded bangle and also studded belts!
It's so Avril~ lol

To get or not to get?
That's the question!

The answer is YES! DEFINITELY!
I mean why not?
look at that!
Sexiness written all over.. :B

1 comment:

Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Been shoe shopping lately? XD I started Adelaide with 6 pairs of shoes I brought from home, and when I got back from Melbourne, I now have 11 pairs of shoes lol.

They are gorgeous, how much are they? They're very leather-vintage. ^^ (you will die at how many vintage shops they have in Melbourne, I regret I didn't have enough money and time!!)